25-29 Jun 2018 Roscoff (France)

Location & Accomodation



Roscoff is a small town of character located in Brittany in northwestern France.



Roscoff Marine Station

Founded in 1872, the Station Biologique de Roscoff is a centre for research and higher education in marine biology and ecology. It is jointly run by the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC, Paris).


Address :

Station Biologique de Roscoff
Place Georges Teissier
29680 Roscoff

Web site


How to get there

  • From Paris Charles de Gaulle international airport by plane (2h30):

Fly to Brest International Airport (BES) at 57 km from Roscoff (direct flight:1h10). You can then take a taxi to the marine station it will take you  about 50 minutes and cost 100-120 Euros (To book a taxi:  +33 298 670 000). Alternatively, take a shuttle to Brest Train stations (20 min). There is no direct train to Roscoff. The fastest option is to take a train to Morlaix and then a Regional express train (29 min) or a bus (35 min) to Roscoff. You can find out what is the fastest option and purchase your tickets online on the SNCF website.

  • From Paris Charles de Gaulle international airport by train (5-6h):

Take a fast train (TGV) to Morlaix, then a second train, or bus (operated by the SNCF rail company) to Roscoff. You can find what is the fastest option and purchase your tickets online on the SNCF website.

  • From the UK (8h overnight ferry crossing):

You might might enjoy a direct sailing from Plymouth to Roscoff with Brittany ferries.



Participants can be accommodated at the Roscoff Marine Station in the Gulf Stream Hotel (32 single or twin rooms).
Roscoff Marine Station Conference Center (Brochure in French)
Rooms at special meeting prices range from 60.50
€ (single room) to 77 € (twin).

To book a room at the Gulf Stream Hotel or to make any special request about the accomodation, please contact Hélène Huelvan:
+33 (0) 2 98 29 23 98

Other hotels are available within walking distance of the meeting venue.



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